Building renovation with the change of use from office and commercial to tourist accommodation
Galleria Regina Margherita - Rome Capital
The project
Fondo inarcassa RE comparto 2 - Fondo Inarcassa RE department 2 - Executive project for building renovation (RE2) with the change of USE from office and commercial (public offices and shops) to tourist-reception (hotel) and services (redefinition of the area of the rehearsal room of the Opera House) located in "Galleria Regina Margherita ", Via Depretis - Via Napoli Roma.
Commissioning body
2022Activities performed
Uploading of estimated bills of quantities onto the system.
Execution of market surveys.
Call for tenders from suppliers of building materials and systems.
Technical/economic tabulation of the bids received.
Crosscheck of correspondences between technical specifications, materials, and construction systems and design requirements.
Reverse Value Engineering®.